The Worship Experience
Sunday morning worship at 10:00 am
Sunday worship service is in our sanctuary. While the front stairs are repaired, please our new access doorway left [south] of the front stairs.
Mask are required inside the church.
We are offering both in-person and Facebook Live Stream [on the United Church of Rogers Park Facebook page] both starting at 10am. For more information on the Facebook Live Stream, click the link at the top of this page for Sunday Worship
Our in-person services on Sunday is when we gather to remember we need God and each other. It is where we are prepared and formed for those relationship and strengthened and given courage for the work of God in the world.
Because we are a church who welcomes all people, our worship style takes elements of traditional United Methodist liturgy and blends them with the various church backgrounds of our members. This means we gather and praise through song and prayer. We read Scripture and meditate on it through a sermon and other forms of response. We offer thanksgiving, either through prayer, song or through communion every other week, and then we are sent forth into the world strengthened by God’s presence and the presence of each other.
On any given Sunday you may hear gospel music, traditional hymns, bluegrass, contemporary music, or something else entirely! You may see us dancing in the aisles and you may see us taking time for silent contemplation and meditation. But the best way to experience our worship is to join us on Sundays at 10am at United Church of Rogers Park. All are welcome, come as you are!