If you'd like to donate there are currently three ways to do so.
1. Send a check made out to United Church of Rogers Park to 1545 W. Morse Street, Chicago, IL 60626. In the memo line please specify what you are donating toward: General Fund, Community Feast, Peace Center, Resiliency Fund or The Uplift Accessibility Project.
2. To donate online, please click HERE
You will be able to choose to which ministry you wish to give. General Fund, Community Feast, The Peace Center, The Resiliency Fund, and/or The Uplift Accessibility Project.
You will also be able to choose reoccurring payments by clicking here and filling out the form.
3. If you would like to donate by TEXTING, send a text stating the amount to (773) 673-9919
To make your one-time or reoccurring donation, text $50 (or whatever amount you wish) weekly.
This will set up a recurring gift of $50 each week. Frequency options are 'weekly'’ 'biweekly'’ 'monthly'’ and 'yearly'’
“Give $50” donates $50 to the church. You can type any amount; the dollar sign is optional (e.g., $50 and 50 both work).
You may also text “give,” and the text giving number will respond by asking "how much you'd like to give"
Your donation will automatically go to the General Fund unless you specify where you want the donation to go:
“amount + Feast” will donate to Community Feast
“amount + Peace” will donate to the Peace Center
“amount +PastorHope” will donate to the Going away gift to Pastor Hope
“amount +Uplift will donate to the Uplift Accessibility Fund