News & Upcoming Events


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Volunteers needed for Rogers Park Food Pantry Pop-Up

United Church of Rogers Park is partnering with Care for Real to bring a food pantry pop-up to Rogers Park. The pantry, working with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, will provide bulk groceries for anyone who needs them in Rogers Park. We are tentatively scheduled to begin providing food on Tuesdays from noon to 2pm, but we need volunteers to help distribute the groceries and mostly need volunteers on Thursdays 8:30 am to noon.

Help feed your neighbors by sharing your time, energy and enthusiasm where it counts.

Let's find out where you fit in.........
PREPARATION                                    DISTRIBUTION**
Thursdays 8am to 12pm                    Tuesdays 10am-3pm
Sort food/ stock shelves,                  Greeting/Registration
tables and pre-pack bags                    Stock tables
 ...................Vigorous physical activity involved.................
........................Cleaning and Maintenance...........................
.......................Work in the wonderful Outdoors.................
 If you can help please email Sabrina Bermingham at the office at or call the church office at 773-751-2600

**Volunteers are especially needed on Thursdays. Thursdays are a much smaller group of volunteers (usually under 10 people) if you are more comfortable helping behind the scenes. 

Organizing for Housing Relief


There are a few ways you can help with efforts to provide housing relief. 

  1. Phonebanking with ONE Northside for a rent/mortgage holiday and demanding CHA release the 2,000 vacant units they have. The phone banks will happen on Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30. You will be given training your first time. If you are interested please let Pastor Lindsey know at

  2. Tenants rights training, including organizing your building. Let Pastor Lindsey know if you are interested in this work.

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Write to the incarcerated

Now, more than ever, it is important to reach out to our incarcerated siblings as jails and prisons enact strict policies around visiting. A simple letter can help people feel less isolated and alone. If you would like to participate, reach out to Kate Hemingway at

This week we have a special request. On May 8, the Chicago Tribune posted a story about a 22 year old man who was waiting to be transferred to home monitoring, but was unable to do so due to lack of resources. If you'd like to write to him directly, his address is below. Please use the church address as your return address (1545 W. Morse Ave, Chicago, IL 60626).
Christopher Crane
PO Box 089002
DIV-EM-Electronic Monitoring-General
Chicago, IL 60608

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