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Resiliency Fund

During COVID-19, our community needed help to get by with heat, water, and rent. And now there is inflation to add to people’s woes. This fund is used at the discretion of the pastoral team to help those in need when time is against the needy. The needy is not just the low-income; The high cost of everything is affecting the work-income people too.

If you are able to give to this fund, we will redistribute these resources to those who have been laid off or are struggling to pay their bills and rent during the global pandemic and recession.

Currently, the Resiliency Fund is very low. This fund has helped many people in the Rogers Park community and is for all people including non-Christians. Please help UCRP’s Ministries to those in great, and sometimes urgent, needs.

You can give under the "resiliency fund" button on the donate page on our website: https://www.ucrogerspark.org/donate

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